Form detail
The form detail holds information about the evaluation Form used to review employee performance for a specific interaction, which evaluates proficiency in handling interactions and delivering services to a customer. that is auxiliary to the form questions themselves. When filling in the form, the header displays the name of the person filling in the form, the name of the employee, and the name of the employee’s organization/group in question.
The form detail can be designed to include Form Custom Data selected from a predefined repository to customize the scope of the form. For example, a Campaign Name field can be added to the header, with an attached list of choices for either Customer Service or Marketing.
The detail can include any instruction that applies to the header, such as an explanation of the custom data.
A comment text box can be added to the detail, to allow users filling in the form to insert a comment that refers to the entire form.
The detail appearance (collapsed or expanded by default).